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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do you have English Books to Return?

Yes - I have the book.  You may return them the office.

No - I lost the book.  Go to the office to pay for the book.  You may not get your report card until you pay or you may find unpaid bills on next year's scchool fee statement.

I think you made a mistake Ms Lees - then copy the title and the book number down and come to school at 8:00 and find me in room 213! Then you may check the books that have been returned to the book room and/or bins to see if another student has returned it or if we made a mistake in checking them off (we did check them several times, but mistakes happen).  Yes, 8 am is before report card pick up (9 and 10 am) but  this might enable you to find your book and still be able to pick up your report card.  I can't guarantee it though- it depends on the office procedures.  You may need to stand in a long line up to pay for your book or return it.  I will be available for kids to come by to check the book room between 8am and 10 am.

If I am not in Room 213 - I will be in the book room (at the top of the stairs in the science wing)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

HACE 9 Assignment

Several of you are now coming to me to ask for the HACE 9 assignment that you should have completed in December - January.  You must complete the planning chart (process) as well as the assignment.

Go to this link to find it:

HACE 9 Assignment 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sincere feeling

Hey guys! What's up?

I would like to express my sincere feeling about how awesome our English 9 is! It is going to our life treasure and the best memory of high school life.
Good luck in English 10! (If you have passed English 9)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Final Exam Project Presentation and other reminders

Monday I will open for flex at 11:10 for:
   1.  students to hand in last minute work
   2.  Students who wish to use their work samples as visuals can get them ready to present in the afternoon.
   3.  Rehearsal of final project.

Reminder to bring the following for final presentations:
  • rubric
  • instruction sheet
  • signed draft that went home
  • 2 clean copies  - these may be typed or hand written  (1 for me to compare with your draft and follow along during your presentation and 1 for you to use during your presentation)
  • your visuals
All students must be ready to present on Monday - selection will be volunteer first and then random so everyone must be ready.

Happy rehearsing and study hard for your finals!  (Don't worry, it is supposed to rain all weekend:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Something to ponder as you finish your En 9 semester...

Take a look at this video,  Consider the life-lessons it suggests.  What does it say about learning?

Don't get discouraged in your final project - at the moment it is still in progress.  Remember learning is messy !  Enjoy.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reminders for Monday

Course selection forms will be due to your block 2 teacher.

Your final project starts on Monday in class and this means your binder / portfolio will stay in class for you to use throughout the week.

Essays are due Monday - must bring all process.

Stargirl novels will be collected on Monday.

Sleep well and leave early for school as it will likely be snowy and slippery.... this means extra traffic delays.

Enjoy the snow!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Geography Challenge results

Congratulations to Nicolas W., Jeff, and Matthew for qualifying for the finals on Thursday. Bring a blue and red pen, come to English for attendance and then you will go to the library. Good luck!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tips and Reminders...

I am away on Wednesday, but I look forward to having a great report from  the TOC regarding your hard work.  I am open for Flex on Thursday if you need further help.

You will spend 1 block reviewing editing / proofreading skills and 1 block using them with your buddy.  Check this link and go to pages 382-390 for samples regarding language expectations.Essay writing expectations and samples

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Last Writing Assignment Preview

Lots of choices..... You will choose one topic from this list.
Learning Intentions: 
·         Demonstrate the writing process (primarily in class)
·         Create a multi-paragraph composition
·         with references (CONNECTIONS)  to 2 or more of our resources from this semester
The movie, The Dead Poet’s Society, and the novel, Stargirl, explore a variety of themes. 
1.    Learning may happen in a variety of ways.  Consider the questions in DPS on the role, purpose and structure of schools presented through the contrasts of a more formal, structured delivery of curriculum at a boy’s prep school and Mr. Keating’s more unusual teaching methods.  Consider also the life lessons learned beyond the classroom through the social culture at MAHS and from Archie.  Choose a or b below for your writing topic.

a)    In your essay, discuss the role of education in today’s society (What does society expect of a public education system?  What function does society want it to serve? Why?) and compare the different models presented.  Discuss how Fraser Heights fits in with these models and which you prefer and why.

b)    There were several teachers in this semester’s literature choices – create and describe your ideal teacher with references to 2-3 of the teacher characters in our literature and 1 teacher from your past / present.  Focus on how they teach and how it helps or would help you to learn better or to grow into a better person.  (Focus on the positive characteristics for this one and acknowledgement of / connections to your learning style.  Do not focus on the minutia – eg.  “My ideal teacher would never give homework,....”)

2.     The relationship between teachers (mentor-figures: coaches, role- models, peer mentors/idols,…) and their students has a great influence on a young person’s growth and education.  DPS and Stargirl pose the questions - how close should students and teachers become and what is the effect on the education of the student?  (*Reminder - For this paper we are not discussing any legally inappropriate relationships (beyond those in our literature / movie. *)
Argue one side of this debate – either…
a)     The benefits of strong student-teacher relationships enhance the educational experience of students.
b)    Strong student-teacher relationships are unnecessary for (or hinder) the educational experience of students.
Hint:  If you are writing a 5 paragraph essay your first body paragraphs should state your position and your third body paragraph refutes potential opposing arguments.
3.     Several of our references also examined the relationship between parents and children and the role communication plays in developing that relationship.   Communication is the responsibility of all involved.   Suggest alternative communication strategies or alternative decisions made by specific characters in specific moments and how they might have affected the outcome or subsequent events in their stories.

4.     What are the benefits and downfalls of nonconformity? Use examples from our references and your own life to answer this question.

5.    Several of our references emphasise the interconnectedness of everyone.  Individually we are influenced by other individuals and the societies we live in (remember time / place).  Support or refute the following:

Individuals have responsibilities within a society (time / place are important here – a family, team, or country can all be considered societies) and the best way to support a civil and productive society is to fulfill those responsibilities by conforming to social norms (expectations placed upon us by that society). 

6.    Friends should be positive forces in your life; however, friendships can be both supportive and destructive.  Examine the role of friendships in the references we have used this semester.  Discuss the characteristics of the positive influences and the negative ones.

7.    Society does not accept people or ideas that are socially different.  Agree or disagree

8.     Some of the characters we have read about this semester are different than society expects.  Some of our stories have suggested it is better to be different, and true to yourself, than to try to be like everyone else.  Yet some of these characters experienced hurt and disappointment.  Which is better?  Explain.

9.    Being a friend is hard work.  Leo Borlock is your average teenager. There is nothing exceptional about him. Only when he begins to spend a lot of time with Stargirl does he realize how painful life can be when others view you as different.  Leo must choose between being accepted by his peers or continuing a friendship with someone whose "differences" set him apart also.

Argue that being friends with someone "different"--like Stargirl—while difficult, is worth it.  (You may also wish to adjust this topic to include other character references – Peter Brownrigg, Neal and his group of eclectic friends, Hermia and Helena, someone from your own life experiences.)

10.  “Ideas confine a man to certain social groups and social groups confine a man to certain ideas.” -- Josephine Klein
Explain the meaning of this quote and support or refute its opinion.
(Hint:  setting – time / place, define your social group.)


What is the movie "Dead Poets Society" sayng about poetry?

In the movie Mr. Keating thinks that the school's assigned poetry textbook is not affective for his students, even though these textbooks are a tradition Mr. Keating thinks of poetry in a different way. Mr. Keating sais that " Poetry is what you make of it and you can go as far as you want with it.
Mr. Keating made all the students walk in the courtyard one day, as he expected all the students copied each other walking at the same pace and stance.
He then put in there mind that in Poetry every one has a different pace and look about it and not to write about what every one else would be writing about.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

poems from before the break

I can't find my poems from before the winter break. The ones we have to analyse for homework. Can anyone help pls O.o